Morning - 1 large glass of water; 1 large mug of Calli tea

Lunch - 24 oz. green smoothie with 1 orange, 6 frozen bananas, 2 T. bee pollen, 2 scoops green powder, 6 leaves of dino kale and water to blend

Mid-afternoon - salad of mixed baby greens with apple and orange/flax/poppyseed dressing (Cheri Soria recipe)

Dinner - raw garden vegetable soup (kale, apple, orange, soaked sunflower seeds, a little garlic and cayenne)

I have a bit of a headache and I know I should have drank more water today because of caffeine detox.  Tomorrow, I plan on doing more prep for recipes I can eat during the week.

All in all, a good first day!  :)


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    April 2011

